Sanne Sannes est un photographe néerlandais né en 1937 et décédé prématurément en 1967 dans un accident de voiture. Il fut considéré comme l'un des plus prometteurs photographes au début des 60's et surnommé "le photographe de demain". Découvrir "Oog om oog" (eye for eye) 1964 et "Sex a gogo" 1969, véritables manuels d'un pop art sexuel ainsi que son film "Dirty girl" (16mm) datant de 1966. En attendant qu'un galeriste parisien daigne faire une exposition très bientôt...Xfingers.
"There are many men who'll never see a woman in ecstasy. They change from one thing to something else completely different. Human emotions are my subject matter. I photograph people. They're what interest me, obsess me. I want to know what pushes them to do what they do. I don't look for them in the street; I don't do random photography. I direct them and record the moment they open up and become naked. I chose the most emotionally charged moments, the point of no return. I'm fanatically zealous!" Sanne Sannes.
"Voyeur and provocateur, adding that he was like a boy who'd got old too soon and was never free of the obsessions that preoccupied him." Description de Sanne Sannes par la photographe Anna Beeke qui posa pour lui.
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